Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My first 1/2 hour...

Challenge #2 - Focus on JUST the first half hour of your waking day. Include details such as what time you wake up and what your mood is generally. Are you usually well rested? Do you use an alarm clock to wake? If so, is it set to music or buzzing? Use lots of descriptive words!

Here goes :)

My alarm goes off at 6:24 am with a very loud beeping noise that jars me out of a perfectly wonderful slumber. I lay there until 6:32 am in a stunned stupor of misery wishing I could roll over and go back to sleep. I finally throw my legs over the side of the bed and with eyes closed put on my sweats and socks (which I keep folded on the floor next to my bed) and drag myself out the the bed. Our room is dark and cold and I again think of my misery. I stumble into our bathroom and go and it is even colder in there - more misery. I then walk down the hall to my oldest sons room to wake him up to join in my misery. He is not a morning person either so we barely talk except to say that we hate mornings and we wish we could crawl back under the covers. We then go downstairs together and turn on the smallest of lights in the kitchen (our poor sleep deprived eyes can't take anything bright.) I make him some breakfast and he eats in silence while I make his lunch and make sure his backpack is all ready until 7:05 am when he heads back upstairs to finish getting ready to go at 7:15 am

There you have it - my first 1/2 hour. I always feel tired when I wake up - no matter what time it is. I wouldn't say I am grumpy, I just would rather be sleeping. Once that first 1/2 hour is over with - things start to change and I finally wake up. I don't drink coffee at all and I wait to eat breakfast until all the kids are at school. As soon as my oldest leaves it is time to get the other two going...


Suzanne said...

LOL Jayne! Oh, the misery! I know how you love your sleep! ;-D Thanks for playing! :-)

Bethany E. said...

Wow Jayne...I totally felt your pain (LOL)! Great writing!

marcibun said...

Wow, I'm tired just reading it. Very colorful description :)

Tams said...

I feel (and share) your misery! I enjoyed reading; you were very vivid. I was right there with ya. Nice to know someone else who's not a morning person.