Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head

Boy, are we getting the rain this week. Normally, I don't really mind it to much but my grass is getting to the jungle stage! Mind you - we had a beautiful weekend with plenty of time to mow. Anyone who has a teenage son will understand what happened next. On Friday night I reminded said teenager that he had to mow the lawn this weekend. Well - I got busy and did not remind him again and guess what did not get done. Right! So, we wait out the rain while our poor neighbors shake their heads at the state of my lawn.

The great thing about this rain is that when we get a few moments between drops and I am out walking the dog I see lot of beautiful opportunities for photos! Here are a few I was able to capture today. (You can click on them to see the full sized image.)

What are you seeing that is beautiful today? Take note :)

1 comment:

pnutsmum said...

Stunning clarity in those photos Jayne!! Love 'em. I love the rain. When I don't have to build an ark!! LOL!!