Thursday, September 17, 2009

8 Things: Lee Currie

Ok - here I am, joining in on something Lee found here. I am a list maker - plain and simple - if it is not on the list it doesn't get done. So this fits right in with my love of lists :)

Since Lee has not only introduced me to this idea but so many others I thought it would be fun to have Lee featured in my very first 8 things post.

So here you go - in no particular order - 8 things I love about Lee:

1.) She writes in an interesting and entertaining way that I love.
2.) She is an awesome photographer - She uses interesting angles and perspectives.
3.) She is a fantastic Mom. Love her "mama-tude" and the way she parents her children.
4.) Commonality - I love that the more I get to know her the more I find in common with her.
5.) She is generous - with her time, her emotions, her creativity, her resources and her home.
6.) She is strong in what she believes - not a wishy-washy, non committal bone in her body.
7.) She is real - she is not perfect and doesn't pretend to be.
8.) She is always seeking, learning, and thinking about who she is and what is next.

Thanks for your friendship Lee! It makes my world a nicer place :)


Lee said...

Jayne! I am overwhelmed. Really ... a blob of tears and snot, not very attractive! So lovely, really really lovely to read your kind words. My world is a nicer place for you being in it, too :)

Stacey said...

Awww!! How very sweet!